Special: Advanced ARM7TDMI microprocessor enables the MSC-400 to perform sophisticated logic, with nested IF ELSE
statements and tests of sensors and variables.
Size: 17.25" x 8.5" x 2.5"
Weight: 77.6 oz.
Learning Capabilities: Standard frequencies (15kHz to 460kHz)
Macro Capabilities: Supports up to 32,640 macros of 255 steps in each macro. Since Macros can be nested as one step inside another Macro, there is no realistic limit for macro steps.
Memory: 32 Megabytes of SDRAM and 64 Megabytes of NAND Flash Memory enable the MSC-400 to support vast, complex configurations.
RF Freq: 418 MHz
Range: 50 to 100 feet, depending upon the environment
PC Programmable
IR-RF Controllable
Replaces up to 255 Remote Controls
Dual-Use Wireless Keypad
White, Black and Light Almond
PC Programmable
IR-RF Controllable
Color Touchscreen
WiFi Transceiver for Art, Artist, Album and Title Metadata